“Xuan Que Huong” (Homeland Spring) Programme 2022, the biggest annual event held for overseas Vietnamese (OV) on the occasion of the Lunar New Year Festival, will be held on January 22, or the 20th day of the last lunar month of the Year of the Buffalo.
The overseas Vietnamese affairs were conducted strongly and comprehensively throughout 2021 with fruitful outcomes, Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Hieu, head of the State Committee for OV Affairs, told a press on January 7.
Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son has highlighted the significance of Conclusion No.12-KL/TW on the overseas Vietnamese (OV) affairs in the new situation issued by the Politburo on August 12.
As many as 17 collectives and 33 individuals were honoured at a ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City on April 20 for their achievements in overseas Vietnamese (OV) affairs in the city for the 2018-2020 period.