Danh sách tin

UK’s newspaper highlights Vietnam’s development strides

Vietnam is now increasingly emerging as a regional middle power, especially in the global supply chain and development of 5G technology, according to an article published by the UK’s website strifeblog.org on April 13.

Key export sectors the target of M&As by foreign investors

Several of Vietnam’s key export sectors, such as textile-garment, leather-footwear, and electronics have become magnets for merger and acquisition (M&As) activities, posing a risk of leading enterprises in those sectors being purchased by foreign investors.

Da Nang strives to become one of Asia’s metropolises

Becoming a centrally governed city in 1997, after 24 years, Da Nang has strongly developed, becoming a central hub of central Vietnam. The city has also strived to become one of Asia’s metropolises in the near future.

Australian expert expects Vietnam to rise to meet regional challenges

The Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) on February 5 published an article written by Kyle Springer, a Senior Analyst at the Perth USAsia Centre, saying that the outcomes of the freshly-ended 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam suggest continuity in leadership and policy.

Party Congress draws out ways to boost Vietnam’s prosperity: US journalist

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) will draw out measures for the CPV to lead the country’s post-pandemic recovery and foster its prosperity on the path to socialism, said Amiad Horowitz, a reporter of the People’s World and member of the Communist Party USA.