Danh sách tin

Photo exhibition held to celebrate 13th National Party Congress

A photo exhibition was opened on January 22 at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi by the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) in celebration of the 13th National Party Congress.

National history museum exhibition marks Party’s founding anniversary

More than 200 documents, items, and photos are on display at the Vietnam National Museum of History in an exhibition to mark the 91st anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) (February 3, 1930 - 2021) and welcome the upcoming 13th National Party Congress.

Personnel work a major task of Party

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has paid special attention to carrying out personnel work in conformity with specific conditions and the requirements of the revolutionary cause.

Commission to ensure 13th National Party Congress’s press centre runs smoothly

Ensuring smooth operations of the 13th National Party Congress’s press centre and the information provision for foreign media are among the tasks the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education has been told to fulfil between now and the time the congress takes place, in late January.

Party Central Committee reaches high consensus on personnel work

The 12th-tenure Party Central Committee (PCC) reached high consensus on personnel work related to the 13th tenure Politburo and PCC Secretariat during the 14th session, which concluded on December 18 morning after nearly five working days, two days ahead of schedule.

Special exhibition on Vietnam’s development path

More than 200 documents and photos featuring the national construction and defence over the past 75 years are being displayed at an exhibition at the Hanoi-based Ho Chi Minh Museum.

Party leader emphasises thorough preparations for 13th National Party Congress

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also Chairman of the Subcommittee on Party documents of the 13th National Party Congress, has written an article emphasizing the need to well prepare and organise the 13th National Party Congress in order to bring the country to a new development period.

Politburo gives opinions to 13th National Party Congress’s documents

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong on February 14 chaired a meeting of the Political Bureau to give opinions so as to complete draft documents of the 13th National Party Congress before sending them to grassroots-level Party congresses for collecting more ideas.