Proactively popularising Vietnam’s cultural values to the world and bringing into play the soft power of culture to help promote the country’s status in the international arena is one of the targets determined in the cultural development strategy until 2030.
The National Culture Conference aims to look into the outcomes of the cultural and human development in Vietnam after 35 years since the “Doi moi” (Renewal) period began. It will also identify the major orientations and focal tasks for the cultural sector in the time ahead.
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has signed Decision No.1909/QD-TTg approving a cultural development strategy until 2030.
Ensuring social progress, equality, and welfare, and building a Vietnamese citizenry with characteristics that meet the requirements of the new era are the tasks set for the Ministries of Labour, Invalids and Social affairs, and Culture, Sports and Tourism in the time ahead.